Many of the apps included in this release are designed for encrypted messaging and data storage - often used by individuals looking to hide or conceal evidence.

Oxygen Forensic® Detective v.14.1 introduces support for Crypto Wallet, Brave Private Browser, Private Photo Vault Pro, ProtonMail, and more. In app support, a wide selection of secure apps have been added to the Oxygen Forensics catalog, which now spans to 659 supported unique apps. With this update and use of LG Advanced Flash mode, users will be able to create physical dumps, extract hardware keys, and decrypt evidence from various locked LG devices. Investigators will no longer need a PIN or password to access device data. Oxygen Forensic® Detective v.14.1 now allows investigators to bypass screen locks on multiple supported LG devices based on Qualcomm chipsets. With new screen lock bypass methods, support for new apps, and upgrades to multiple existing tools, this release ultimately grants investigators more access to secured data.

28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Oxygen Forensics, a global leader in digital forensics for law enforcement, federal agencies, and corporate clients, announced today the release of the latest version to their all-in-one forensic solution, Oxygen Forensic® Detective.